Spinal Disc pain is usually very troublesome. There are many ways to treat the varied conditions known as Spinal Disc pain. This may range from Chiropractic Treatment, Physical Therapy, Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy, Spinal Injections and Surgery. Connecticut Family Chiropractic offers a wide range of treatments including, Gentle Chiropractic Adjustments, Gentle and Relaxing Spinal Decompression treatments, Physical and Physiotherapeutic treatments including Moist Heat, Deep Heating and Soothing Ultrasound Treatments, Electromuscle Stimulation Therapy, Rehabilitative Exercise and Core Stabilization Therapy. We believe that patients should first receive the very best available conservative care before commencing with any less conservative treatments like spinal injections or surgery. Most other Doctors would agree as well, it is best to use the most conservative and less invasive treatments available to start. It is our experience here at Connecticut Family Chiropractic that the vast majority of cases are able to be treated successfully with the conservative care that we offer.